How to get rid of redness on face? We give you over 10 effective, easy and safe methods to help you beat that redness on your face.
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I am 19 years for years I have been trying to find a way r get rid of the reddness on my checks. Everytime I shower my face turns red. I doesn't matter what temperature the water is on . I'm tired of wearing make up to cover all the redness . I love to show off my freckles but I can't with all this make up I have to wear.. can some tell me what I should do???×1
I am 14 and my face gets really red when I get embarrassed or just talking to someone. I don't know how to stop or control it and I've had it for over 2 years now
Where do I even start, I'm a 14 year old girl and my face isn't naturally red. But when my face gets red I guess u would call it it blushing?? Imagine , feeling the worrieness in ur stomach, the hot tingling sensation in ur cheeks AND BOOM my cheeks are red. When I was little my face would be red when I played outside or just when it was hot. But I didn't realize it until 5th...when the bullying started. It got so bad I started missing school. The bullies wouldn't leave me alone. That's when my blushing became worse. I had thoughts of suicide and cutting myself. And when I blush it isn't just a cute natural blush it's a BRIGHHT red color and it will stay there till I cool off. I got to the point where I feel like it's ruining my life and I wanted my life to be over. I blush when I go to the store, at the doctors, when my family is over, something embarrassing happens, when I laugh too much, when I lay on one cheek for too long when I sleep. IT HAPPENS EVERYWHERE. I'm sick and tired of life. I wear makeup everyday to cover it up, I'm tired of having to wear makeup everywhere I go. I just want to be me. The worst part about it is that no matter how many people I tell, they all end up saying the same thing.."everyone's face gets red, it's nothing to worry about" ..only.. that's all I ever worry about. I cry myself to sleep, feeling hopeless and lifeless. I am tired of everything. P l e a s e H e l p M e.
My nose and cheeks are really red I hope this natural remedy works but if not any other remedys u guys know
I'm 14 years old and I've been getting this "red mustache" as my little sister calls it... It's right above my lips and around my nose. It comes and goes and I've been trying to get rid of it for 2 years... Any suggestions?
I am 12 and turning 13, Ive suffered from acne fore four years now, but the acne was the only thing that was red, yet lately there's big patches of redness on my acne and more
My skin color is naturally red so I know what you guys are feeling except mine never goes away lol. But I've learned to except my rare skin color and embrace it with dignity and who ever out there who feels insecure about there face and its perfect imperfections just remember everyone had them and to be yourself and show off those imperfections because that's what makes you, you! /:))
I'm 15, and I have redness on my face and cheeks, but also on my arms... would any of these things help my arms as well?
I get redness on my arms too, would these help?
I am 13 and my fourhead, nose and cheeks are always realy red. i do have piples but its realy not that bad. i tried covering it up, with some good avon and balea products and it works, but its even wore after i take the make up off. So i dont wear make up all the time just when i have somthing realy important, like a presentation... my face is just always red and its even worse at summer when its hot and sunny. it isnt dry, but its sensitive and complicated!!! i hope that thees methods work, i really do!