White discharge before period can be normal in most cases. However, there are some cases where discharge will indicate somethings wrong.
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Tiffany Hi I had a question, I am.just getting off my depo shot and only had one dose. I had sex two day before this slimy clear stuff came .. How I'm having white milky discharge what could this mean ?
Hi, I have a question? I have been seeing a pretty regular period each month. But for the last couple of months I've been have a creamy white discharge every day or every other day is this normal or should I be concern?
I had an unprotected sex on the 22, and did a pregnancy test that same week, its tested negative though but I haven't being having any discharge since then..is it normal?? and is it really possible that the pregnancy test in a week can test negative???
I am slightly late for my period but since the normal date I have been having cramps and a lot more white discharge than normal but no blood. Could I be pregnant?
Hi, I had my mirena taken out in April this year. I automatically started having periods again. Fell between the 5th & 6th of every month. On July 21st I started a slight spotting. Like not enough for me to have to use anything but I would notice it when I would wipe. The past week and a half my appetite has increased. I'm actually craving things that I love but don't eat much of that makes sense. Now it is the 7th of August & no period. I took a pregnancy test yesterday to check, it was negative. I'm just curious as to what is going on.
Hi, I've been off of my be for a few months. I've had a regular period since then. According to my period tracker, I was supposed to get my period today but instead I got light cramping and creamy/milky white discharge. My bf smokes marijuana regularly, which could lower sperm count or speed up the sperm causing it to not reach the egg. Could I be pregnant?
hi I had unprotected sex but took the morning after pill, I bleed for about 8 days a couple days after taking the pill. I took a pregnancy test two days after my missed period. It came out negative. I'm still worried, was wondering maybe the pill delay my period? I took it once before and it came on time.
Hi, my last period was on 20th July and I had sex with my husband on 9 th August, next day onwards I am getting white discharge with little odor and its liquidy for 3 days but no itching ....will that be a sign of pregnancy .
Hey, so I had my period July 2-6 and a week later July 14th to be exact my boyfriend and I were dry humping 7 hrs later I took a morning after pill and that same day I got all the typical syptoms. But today I had a thick white discharge clot w/ no odor, could I be pregnant?
Hello I an not to sure if many people use this but any help would be great! Me an my bf had sex on the 17th of July a day after my period at the end it almost looked like the condon broke ai went an filled it up with water from what I could tell nothing dripped out but I still got plan b to be safe. About five days after I had started spotting an cramping which then turned into a normal bleeding for about 4 or 5 day. My next expected period was to be august 5th an now going on 10 days light. Which has me worried I got clear blue pregnancy test an did two both with morning urine on the 10th an both were negative an now did an ovulation test an the result window was lighter than the reference window I have been having a clear stretchy or white discharge most of past two days an trying to figure out if this is ovulation or something to deal with pregnancy any help would be greart and appreciated.