Women can have a cycle that is either slightly shorter or longer than 24 to 35 days. The first period (menarche) occurs in puberty, which begins between 8 and 14 years for most girls. The average puberty age is 11 years. Periods continue until a woman reaches menopause, which occurs anytime between late 40s and mid 50s. The average menopausal age is 51 years. In this article, you will find tips to find out when your period is over.

How to Know When Your Period Is Over

Menstruation is an indication that your reproductive system is functioning normally. You can tell that your monthly period is coming to an end in the following ways:

Changes in the flow

When your period is near its end, the flow gets very light, and smaller, and its frequency reduces. In case you do not bleed at night on the 4th or 5th day of your period, wear a panty liner to the office or school. Your period is over when bleeding stops completely.

Length of the period

Periods are short or long, heavy or light, but the average time length for a period is 4 to 8 days. The first years of your period may be irregular but the cycle will stabilize after your teens. Then you will know your monthly routine including the frequency, duration, and flow. Note: Women have different menstrual cycles but the average cycle is 28 days.

What others say about the end of a period

I consider the end of my blood flow as an indication that my period is over because I can experience a discharge at any time. If you always have a discharge after your period, include that time in your calendar so that you can plan for liners and other products."

“ My period get lighter each day and the cramps gradually stop. However, I wear panty liner after the blood flow stops to avoid accidents.”

How to Know When Your Period Is Coming

Now you should get the answer to how to know when your period is over, it's time to learn when your period is coming. A girl cannot tell exactly when she will get her first period. However, the first period happens between 9 and 15 years for most girls. You may have your period at the time as others in your family like your mother or sisters had their first periods. You may experience signs like pimples, cramps, and bloating or not. Knowing when your period is coming gets easier as you grow older. You can predict your period in the following ways:

Keep a menstrual calendar

Keep track of your period dates for months on a calendar to get a rough idea about your menstruation cycle. You can also use tools that help you calculate your menstruation and ovulation. You need to know other signs of ovulation if you have irregular periods. Some of the signs to look for in case of an irregular period are discussed below.


Have tummy problems

You may experience period-related bloating, constipation, nausea, diarrhea or cramps. Some women crave for specific foods or eat more than usual. Ensure that you only pick up healthy snacks.


Emotional ups and downs

If you become weepy for a couple of days, you will have your period soon. You may also become easily irritated or have sleepless nights. Some girls experience severe symptoms such as lack of concentration and forgetting important things a few days to their periods.


Have skin problems

The hormonal changes during your period may cause extra acne on your face. You may experience cold sores or swelling on your feet, face, or hands. Your breasts may become tender and have slight pain.


Other signs

There may be an achy and tired feeling and headaches when a period is coming. Besides, your allergies or asthma may get worse just before your period.

How to Know When You Are Ovulating

There are different ways on how to know when your period is over and when you are ovulating. Ovulation occurs halfway through a menstrual cycle. An average cycle takes 28 days from the first day of a period to the start of the next period. Women experience hormonal changes during ovulation that cause physical symptoms. You can observe these signs, and know when you are most fertile and about to ovulate.

Changes in your cervical fluid

You are ovulating or near ovulation if your cervical fluid resembles egg whites. Women have different cervical fluids. A woman is ovulating when she gets the highest amount of wet fluid.


Changes in basal body temperature

Your basal body temperature is consistent before ovulation. However, it will decline slightly when you are near ovulation and then increase sharply after ovulation. The temperature increase shows that you have ovulated. You can predict your ovulation by keeping accurate records of your basal body temperature for several months.


Changes in the firmness or position of the cervix

The cervix experiences many changes during ovulation. It will be wet, high, soft, and open during ovulation. Most women take a long period to identify the changes in their cervix during ovulation because the pattern of changes during the whole cycle can be subtle and not so easy to observe. 


Secondary signs of ovulation

After learning how to know when your period is over and when you are near ovulation, you need to know the secondary ovulation signs. These signs are inconsistent in most women, including:

  • A higher sex drive

  • Tender breasts

  • Light spotting

  • Increased sense of vision, taste, and smell

  • Slight cramps or pain on one pelvis side

  • Bloating


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