The melanin content of your skin is solely responsible for providing your body with defense against UV rays. Melanin equally affects your pigmentation levels. One important benefit of learning how to reduce melanin is regulating your skin pigmentation. Certain medications are used for altering your level of melanin, but its results with regards to change in pigmentation depends on the type of medication used.
Whichever method you use, you will be required to take certain precautions to keep your body protected from all physiological problems that come with low levels of melanin. One thing you must not forget when dealing with how to reduce melanin is the fact that it will take time and experimenting with different drugs to get the required results. Reducing your melanin levels will require patience and trying different medications with strict adherence to doctor's prescriptions.

How to Reduce Melanin: 8 Methods You Must Try
Understand What Can Increase the Melanin Level
To succeed in your quest to learn how to reduce melanin, you must first understand the factors that contribute to the production of melanin in the human body.
Changes in your body's hormonal levels
Excessive exposure of the skin to the sun rays
Skin diseases that lead to high melanin content
Adrenal disorder
Inadequate vitamins and malnutrition
Irrespective of the fact that a high level of melanin pigment is needed to keep the skin protected from the harmful sunrays, but an excess quantity of the same pigment darkens the skin. You must have heard of how exposing your skin to the sun darkens it, the work of melanin is to keep your skin protected from the harsh UV rays, but when in excess, it makes your skin darker. Exposing your skin excessively to these UV rays improves the production of this pigment. On how to reduce melanin, there are a number of both home remedies and commercial products you can use.
Ask Your Dermatologist
Whether your skin got dark due to natural reasons or any other reasons, talking to your dermatologist can help proffer the right solutions to the problem to help you reduce the level of melanin in your skin. These experts first of all run professional tests on your skin before recommending cosmetic and medical products you can use to get your fair skin back. They can ask you to use hydroquinone, a chemical substance that makes use of hydrogen peroxide to reduce the level of melanin in your skin. Using products that contain hydroquinone will help you get rid of the excess melanin that darkens your skin.
However, other treatment methods are also available to help you reduce the level of melanin in your body. Other such methods of treatment include the use of monobenzone cream. When you apply this cream to your skin, there is a secretion of melanocytes to lower the high melanin levels and make your darkened skin fairer. There are certain drugs you can take orally. Visiting a dermatologist will expose you to a number of treatments.
Use a Good Sunscreen
One of the best tips you can find on how to reduce melanin is to use a good sunscreen with SPF before leaving your home. These sunscreens will not only reduce the level of melanin in your body, but will also prevent the formation of melanin. This sunscreen protects the sun from both UVA and UVB rays from the sun. The SPF must be up to 30 at least.
Cover Yourself Up
It is always advisable you wear clothes that cover your entirely body whenever you are outside. This will help keep your skin protected against the harmful sunrays when you are out in the open. You can also wear sun shades and hat as additional coverings.
Stay Indoors During the Day
Staying indoors during the day is one great way you can minimize the production of melanin by your skin cells.
Use Natural Products
Most cosmetics you use on your skin make melanin production worse. Using more natural skin care products will help regulate the production of melanin.
Choose Vitamins
Retin-A, the synthetic form of vitamin A can be used for the exfoliation of the highly pigmented dead skin cells to promote new growth. Eating good foods can also help. Foods like yellow vegetables, broccoli, turnips, spinach, squash, pumpkin, sweet potato, cantaloupe, apricots, and carrots that contain Vitamin A are some of the good foods you can eat. Other excellent sources include milk, butter, cheese, and whole eggs.
Vitamin C is known as a tyrosinase inhibitor and therefore reduces the production of melanin in the skin. Tangerines, oranges, guava, limes, papayas, lemons, black currants, strawberries, mangoes and grapefruits are some excellent sources of this vitamin. Vegetables such as tomatoes, broccoli, cabbages, brussel sprouts, spinach can also help supply your body with vitamin C. Eat them raw or a bit cooked. Steaming or cooking them for long breaks down the vitamins.
Vitamin E-though it does not produce the production of melanin directly, but it is very effective for the reduction of high pigmentation as a result of over production of melanin.
Use Home Remedies
Almond Paste
Get about 4-5 almond seeds and soak them overnight. Remove them from the water early in the morning and shade the skin and grind them well. Add about 1 Tsp of milk to form a paste. Apply the paste on the dark spots created by the melanin. This paste helps fade the dark spots to make room for a much fairer complexion.
Oatmeal Curd and Tomato Juice
Form a mixture of the oatmeal and curd and apply it on your face. Leave it for about 20 minutes before washing it off with cold water. It aids the removal of the suntan and clearing the melanin spots.
Honey and Sour Cream
Take 1 Tbsp of honey and 2 Tbsp sour cream. Rub this mixture on your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Then clean with soft moist piece of cloth and wash off using fresh water.
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