One of the most intimidating things for anyone with a crush on somebody is in making the first move. You don’t know the questions to ask your crush in the first instance. Simply put, you get to have a lot of butterflies in your belly every time you look on your crush. It is a common feeling to almost everyone. However, all that is needed for you is to learn the approach and know which questions to ask.

Questions to Ask Your Crush
Are you scared of anything in life? What is it?
What fictional character do you hate most?
If you were the opposite sex now, what would you do?
If you were to travel abroad, which would be your destination?
Do you have hopes for the future? In what way?
Which movie scene do you find most unforgettable?
What kind of car have you dreamt of driving?
Happiness or truth, your choice?
What food brings out your real self and personality?
What thing have you ever vowed never to do again?
Can you tell me your worst habit?
Which television show have you loved over the years?
Between money and love, you would go for?
If someone told you that you were going to die in a few days, what would be your response?
As a performing artist, what songs would you sing?
What meaningless stories do you have to hear from your friends?
How many people can you host on a Friday evening?
Your favorite TV program as a child?
What is the least likely thing would you consider attractive in someone?
Which deceased person would you love to resurrect if you could?
Would you dig deep into your pocket for wifi wherever you travel?
What things do people say about you?
Do you think it is important to follow up on news?
Would you prefer living in a mansion or a small room but with a great view?
Who do you consider your great confidant?
If you would be young again, what advice would you take back with you to change you?
What activities did you do on vacation when you were still a student?
What thing would you love to learn in the near future?
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