With summer on the way, we are all looking for ways to get out and about, change up our routines, and possibly make extra money. The warmer weather opens up many opportunities that have been closed down over winter or maybe just not so appealing in the frigid temperatures. Here are seven creative ways to make an extra $100 per week this summer.

Part 1
Sell Your Stuff (and Other People’s Stuff) –
Everyone knows the summer months mean garage sale time. While you may not be able to hold weekly sales with the unwanted items around your house, you can likely create a nice side gig flipping the leftovers from other garage-salers.
Buy low and sell high(er) on sites like eBay, Craigslist or your local Facebook Buy/Sell Group. If you have a main item of interest or expertise, you can also “go niche.” There are several websites that specialize in the buying and selling of used books, video games and more. And if you are looking for serious income, don’t overlook Amazon’s FBA program.
Rent a Room –
I recently interviewed several people making a nice side income from renting out a spare room or even their entire homes during the summer months on sites like Airbnb. Depending on the location, listers were able to make anywhere from $1,500 per month to $7,000 per week.
Reputable rental sites like Airbnb or Roomorama have a lot of safeguards in place. Take advantage of the rating system and always interview and background check your potential renters.
Make Deliveries –
The gig economy has opened up so many opportunities for “micro-working.” A lot of us love the flexibility and variety that comes with being able to pick up little jobs where and when we choose. Making deliveries is one such opportunity. If you are already going that way, why not pick up someone’s lunch or Starbucks order?
Postmates and DoorDash aren’t yet available nationwide, but if you live in a metropolitan area contract deliveries may be an option for extra cash.
Work an Event –
This opportunity comes with perks. Not only can you earn up to $20 per hour as a brand ambassador, you may also get to attend concerts or sporting events for free. Very cool! You will find these opportunities listed on Craigslist under Gigs > Events.
Babysit –
I know you thought your babysitting days were over, but it’s part-time work that is flexible and readily available. In many areas, you can earn up to $10 per hour for a weekend evening. Work Friday and Saturday and there’s your $100.
Clean –
So this gig isn’t as “fancy pants” as many home business options, but the fact of the matter is it is a service that is always in demand, has an endless number of clients and is a luxury in which many people are more than willing to invest. And it pays well!
In many locations, the going rate for a cleaning service is upwards of $20 per hour or more. Considering each home or office takes an average of 2.5 hours to clean every week or two, you can easily make $100 per week with just two clients per week.
And if you are just looking for some quick cash as opposed to ongoing clients, consider setting up a mobile car detailing service. Some people charge up to $300 for full-detail service.
Drive –
I also recently had the opportunity to interview the Rideshare Guy. He has created a lucrative side hustle as a part-time driver with Uber, Lyft, Sidecar and more. With the right personality and newer car, new drivers can expect to earn between $15 and $30 per hour.
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