Adrenergic or sympathomimetic drugs are medicines that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). This part of the automatic nervous system helps regulate the body’s ability to react to stress. During a stressful situation, the SNS releases neurotransmitters, or chemicals that act on the body to increase your heart rate, breathing rate and sweating speed. This body response is also known as the “fight or flight” response.
What Are the Common Adrenergic Drugs?
Common Adrenergic Drugs
Here are some of the adrenergic drugs commonly used:
Drugs | Description |
Albuterol (ex. Alupent, Ventolin) | Improves breathing; taken as oral medication or nasal spray. |
Dobutamine (ex. Dobutrex) | Stimulates the heart; used after a heart attack; cardiac arrest; or during surgery. |
Dopamine (ex. Intropin) | Increases cardiac output, elevates blood pressure, and improves urine flow; used for treating patients in circulatory shock. |
Epinephrine (ex. Adrenalin) | Used as local injection to control bleeding during surgery; used to stimulate the heart during circulatory shock; used also as a nasal decongestant to reduce symptoms of conjunctivitis (or red eye). It may be added to a local anesthetic to prolong the anesthetic effect and prevent its spread. |
Isoproteranol | Used to reduce breathing problems such as asthma and chronic lung disease; also used to control irregular heartbeats |
Phenylephrine (ex. Neo-Synephrine) | Used to treat low blood pressure and circulatory shock; also used as nose drops/ spray to relieve colds and allergies with nasal congestion |
Phenylephrine (ex. Neo-Synephrine) | Used to treat circulatory shock by increasing blood pressure and cardiac output |
What Are the Effects of Adrenergic Drugs?
Adrenergic Drug Effects
Effects of adrenergic drugs on the body include:
increase in blood pressure
constriction of blood vessels
opening of airways in the lungs
increase in heart rate
prevention from bleeding
What Are the Side Effects of Adrenergic Drugs?
Common Side Effects
Common side effects occur when adrenergic drugs are used to treat patients with nasal congestion due to infections or allergies. These include:
rapid heartbeat
irregular heart beat
increased sweating
sleep disturbances
high blood pressure
chest pain
dry mouth
These are not the only side effects that may occur. Anyone who experiences unusual symptoms after taking adrenergic drugs must contact a doctor right away.
What Should Be Noted When Taking Adrenergic Drugs?
Drug Interactions
Adrenergic drugs may interact with various drugs. Discuss the use of adrenergic drugs with your doctor or pharmacist before using other over-the-counter medications that also contain adrenergic animes for your colds and allergies.
Medications that may interact with adrenergic drugs include:
tricyclic antidepressants such as Adapin, Aventyl, Asendin, Elavil, Endep, Pamelor, Norpramin, Sinequan, Surmontil, Vivactil, Tofranil
furazolidone (Furoxone)
methyldopa (Aldomet)
guanethidine (Ismelin)
Herbal supplements that may interact with adrenergic drugs include:
ephedra (ma huang), which is often contained in over-the-counter weight loss products
St. John's wort, which is used as a remedy for anxiety and depression
angelica (dong quai)
Medical Conditions
Some medical problems may be affected by your intake of adrenergic drugs. Be sure to tell your physician if you have any of these conditions:
liver disease
narrow-angle glaucoma
enlarged heart
disorders affecting the brain’s blood supply
disorders affecting the arteries and veins
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