If you have a burning feeling after the ejaculation, it’s essential to learn why it happens and what to do. Get treatment early if it’s serious to avoid complications.
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Another cure is to get a hot wate bottle and put it to ur dick
I'm 17 and the past few weeks after urinating and ejaculating the tip of my penis stings very badly for about 5 minutes. I need a solution asap without seeing a doctor as I'm not comfortable going to see a doctor about this. Thanks.
I have been feeling this same burning when I get off it feels like acid is coming out of my penis and if my wife makes skin contact with it it's seemingly burning her as well i don't know what causes it
I rarely have this problem, but most recently, I went on vacation and didn't have an ejaculation for nine days. When I got back, I spent four hours building up to a lava like orgasm. Maybe abstinence isn't such a great idea?
As most of us have seen it's a quite common problem. I'm 19 now and have been facing this problem since I was 16. It can happen to people in late teenage and in their twenties due to multiple orgasms in short time. It might not be a frequent thing for you to feel pain everytime. But when it does it can ruin your mood and cause problems. Just relax when it does. Also never try to exercise bladder control unless it's necessary. Hope it helps and you have a wonderful life ahead.
I am Sanat singh i am 16 and sometimes after ejaculation my penis burns. Please give an idea as i am not comfortable to take doctors advice
Try to avoid urinate right after ejaculation/masturbation. Let your penis be normal again before you pee or wait minimum 5-8 min. Drink 1/2 litre warm water, if possible with 1/2 table spoon baking soda. - If these tips still don't help you then check up with your doctor.
It has happened to me it's the first time and am 20 years young any advice
A cold shower fixes my problem