Can you get pregnant a week before your period? What about on or after the period? Know the relation between odds of pregnancy and time of ovulation.
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I had unprotected sex with my bf April 15 and my last period was March 23 ,is it possible that I will get pregnant??thank you
Hi, me and the hubby are trying for a baby I had my coil removed last Friday (15/4) and we been trying since Sunday (17/4) my period is due tomorrow (22/4)/sat or Sunday (it never comes on the same day) if I did manage to fall pregnant during this week would I miss my period so soon or would I still get it as I've read somewhere a woman had her period as was so close to it being due but she fell pregnant a week before it was due!? I'm really confused??? Thanks guys :)
I HAd sex with my boyfrnd on de 26 april n my periods are due on de 30 of april or 31 could der b possibilities of me coming pregnant
I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on April 23 and the 24. I just started my period this morning, April 27th which is heavier than usual. Is there any chance that i could be pregnant??
If you really want to track your cycle there are many many apps that can do this based on your period dates and your basal body temp. There is also a great program called ovacue that measures ur basal body temp, & your saliva and vaginal pH. This is the most accurate way to track your natural ovulation cycle.
I had sex with my boyfriend May 1st. My cycle usually is about 28 days. And my fertile window happened during April 22-27. Could I be pregnant if i had sex on the 20th day of my cycle.
I had sex on April 22nd and my period was to come on the 28th of April (my cycle is usually 32-33 days ) and it is currently 5 days late. I am feeling slight cramping, back pain and not too long ago i started to feel light headed and nauseous. My period is usually regular and google is freaking me out because everything is saying that i could be pregnant which i honestly hoping i am not :(
Me and my boyfriend first started trying for a baby on the 11th of May and tried multiple times within that week, although my period is due on the 19th of this month. Could I become pregnant? My period is usually around the same time of the month although each month I'm either early or I'm unsure of my cycle. Could anyone have any ideas if I am pregnant of not?
I was 2 weeks late coming on to my period and noticed some spotting so I took a pill the Thursday nite and had sex Friday nite and artificially inseminated myself with the sperm from the condom then 5 days later came on my period but I have been feeling really sick and lightheaded, very bloated and headaches and not wanting to ear could I be pregnant?
I had sex with my husband last May 4-11,my last period is last April 11-15, can I get pregnant?