Can you get pregnant a week before your period? What about on or after the period? Know the relation between odds of pregnancy and time of ovulation.
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I had oral and I'm ovulating. I'm also expecting my period in a week. Does that mean I'm pregnant or does it just mean I'm ovulating.
I had unprotected sex a Monday night and Friday night and my period is due the following Monday and it haven't came yet and it's now Tuesday
I had sex with my husband last week on Monday 26 and i got my period this Monday can i still get pregnant?
I had sex Friday and was due on Sunday I haven't come on yet?? I thought I would still come on with it been so close to me been due? I haven't long come off the implant so I dont think I will be that fertile.. Help
Hello, My bf tried to insert into me but he couldn't do it totally. But when we touched the condom it was wet. To be sure I took an ipill on the same day with in 3 hrs. I got my period at the regular time after 8 days of taking the ipill (16 sep)but the bleeding was brown. My period is due on 21 but I dint get the period yet. Is there a chance of pregnancy?
I had sex on a six day just after my period ends can I get pregnacy or it was early. May I have ur opinions please
i had unprotected sex wit my fiancy on tuesday last week and my period suppose to show on first and i av nt seen it please is it possible for one to become pregnant? Pls help
My gf and i had sex and thr condom broke (three days ago) her period is due tomorrow, i pulled out before most if not all cum came out to begin with. Could she be pregnant
So my last period was October 12 it ended the 17th , me and my boyfriend had sex on the 27th && 28th plus the 29th everytime he came inside me . Then we just had sex 5 days before my next period which is November 9th , could I be pregnant?
So my last period was October 12 it ended the 17th , me and my boyfriend had sex on the 27th && 28th plus the 29th everytime he came inside me . Then we just had sex 5 days before my next period which is November 9th , could I be pregnant?