Although diatomaceous earth is a useful organic product, many people may wonder about the diatomaceous earth food grade side effects. Here is an attempt to answer these concerns.
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So if it's not dissolvable , how does our body absorb it?
So when do you stop? I'm wanting to take this because of Candida. But I imagine it would scour my intestines of both good and bad bacteria...requiring I take a probiotic supplement. I'm wondering how long it is safe to take under a 1 tablespoon a day for?
Look up also Turpentine and sugar for candida, it sounds crazy, but it works amazing and it was actually in the Merck medical manual way back when...
I have been taking 1/2 teaspoon for 2 months. Side effects: VERY dry skin on my palms. I can get my palms wet and rub them together, and flakes of skin come off. Not painful or itchy. I stopped taking D.E. for a week and the dry palms went away. Will the dry skin go away with long use? Or just get worse? I'm not seeing any great benefits. I was hoping to see stronger fingernails, but they are still brittle and breaking.
I would like to try DE but am wondering if I should because I already have low blood pressure. Is it safe for me to take DE, or should I not try it?
I've had Rouen y gastric bypass so my stomach is not the same and my intestinal tract is shorter by 105cn. Is there a problem taking this product? I don't want to create a blockage because of the change in my anatomy.
You are in error about food grade DE on 2 or 3 things. First, it was passed by the FDA long ago. It is GRAS. Amorphous silica is not even required to show proof any more and is in so many food substances that it would be ludicrous for me to even try to list them. Second, it will dissolve in a cup of coffee if you put it in a blender. Do not be surprised when it turns a milky white. Third, it would take 2% of your weight to harm you. A teaspoon or two consumed will not harm you. It will kill any parasite or insect who comes across it. It is generally safe for pets but please use your common sense. Sprinkled with Tumeric it is a miracle drug. You don't have to worry about a gastric bypass. I had an intestinal bypass 40 years ago and that was the worst. I went through 7 years of hell and then had it reversed. My pathway is small. Eat prunes everyday. Between these three substances you will first lower your pain. You may also prevent or help any cancer or Alzheimer's disease as well as a slew of other things. If you don't believe me, study! 03/03/2016 Al Pall
I have been recovering from serious candida and mental issues due to my bad eating habits, I have gone Vegan and implemented DE into my daily intake and have really found the great detox benefits indeed. 2 months or so now and can see that what I put in my body will greatly effect the outcome! DE alone is one of the good tools for better gut health....Food is the biggest tool to good health!
In the beginning of your article you say that we must limit our intake to 1 teaspoon per day. Further down you say 1 tablespoon per day. I understand that 1 tablespoon per day is the recommended dose
Hi Kerry, Peeling skin may signal a detoxification process. Have you been involved in anything toxic that might have been absorbed by the skin on your hands? You could make sure to take omega fatty acids and coconut oil, as well as use coconut or neem oil on your hands and see if that helps. F.