Feeling sick or nauseous is always uncomfortable. Here are some self-care measures to relieve the feeling in the first place. Remember to see a doctor if the sick feeling is not relieved.
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I always feel sick everyday but it always seems to be at night, I'm never sick but I feel like I'm going to throw up and I feel it in my throat. Also, I feel like if I eat, I will puke. I haven't sleep with a bin on my bed and loads of pillows, it makes me feel less sick..not sure why. Is me feeling sick everynight normal or should I see a doctor?
Yo reduce nausea I just go out to a corner shop, buy some ice tea, put it in the frighe for about 5 minutes, then drink in small doses. This really helps, and FYI I am 12.
I have a bug at the moment and it stops me from sleeping and being active. I 've tried water as at the moment it's night but it never works.
Quite often sickness is caused by bad hunger or a trick of the mind. Instead of taking medications try; eating, drinking going to sleep or I recommend fizzy drinks
My dog threw up everywhere in the kitchen last night and now I don't feel super good.. I tried a mint and it kinda helped but I'm drinking water and it helps for like 5 seconds?? I just want to sleep but I can't because I feel nauseous laying down. Idk what to do.
I came home from my little sisters birthday party. It was about ten o clock at night when I through up twice.An hour or two later I through up six times instantly. And it is six in the mourning now and I still feel like I wanna through up. My mom says its food poisoning. Any ideas. I do not have a fever
Breathing through a tissue with a mint in it. Hold tissue over nose and mouth. Works really well.
I'm sick right now and I feel super nauseous. Anytime I move or try read, sleep, I feel like I'm gonna puke, any suggestions?
I went to school feeling fine as gold and when I got back I just felt so sick! I ate as much as I can and sucked on a mint for a while but it won't work. I haven't been sick yet and I'm drinking lots of water. I think im getting close to getting sick so has anybody got any ideas?!
I've been feeling sick almost constantly for the last week or so, I feel it in my throat and chest and occasionally in my stomach. It gets a lot worse when I move or walk, and it's unbearable when I'm on a bus or something. I haven't actually been sick though - I want to vomit just so I can get the feeling out of the way! It's making my life miserable :(