Home remedies for bacterial vaginosis such as yogurt and apple cider vinegar are safe and effective to restore the balance of bad and good bacteria in the vagina.
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Too much soap and I got bv, the smell was horrendous plus the itching and burning. I went to the doctor to confirm bv after the yeast treatments didn't work. He gave prescribed an antibiotic that had side effects and would take days to see relief. I needed immediate relief, especially from the smell. I tried a 50/50 hydrogen peroxide and water douche after reading a study done by the government. It worked immediately. No smell, no discharge, no itching.... I will continue for a week or 2. Safe, no side effects, inexpensive, dependable.
When is it safe to have sex again after doing these at home treatments?
My vjj is red, inflamed and sore.. Oh and the milky discharge! omg I have to change my underwear at least 4 times a day, but some of these just sound stupid to even fathom!! I would NOT advise putting acidic things, chemicals, no matter how diluted.. Or anything that would burn on a normal open wound, on or in your vjj! Don't do it! Mine is cringing at the thought! Gasp! Where do they get these ideas from!?
Organic coconut oil does wonders. This was suggested by my gynecologist. It's a great lubricant during sex as well.
I have a clear watery discharge with a strong bad odor. I got tested for STI and was negative. HELP
I've suffered from this when I was a virgin but now that I'm grown I know my body usually I'll get it and if I drink water and eat healthy it goes away but this time its been bad and luckily I have tampons and coconut oil lol so I'm hoping it works!
I had a severe ph balance issue after I didn't completely clean the sperm from my vagina after my husband and I had sex. We've been married 7 years and are very sexually active. I have only experienced bv when I use to over wash my vagina with soap. I had a problem with bv for about a year. I quit that behavior and just started to rinse well after sex, working out, ect. I used dial soap around my vag and my thighs but never in the folds. This worked well. I also started to brew and drink kombucha, everyday. 8-16 ounces. I layed off the bread and sugar. When I started to notice the burn- itch reappear it was June. It had been really hot and I've heard that temp can add to the chances of getting an infection. Ive started to learn the difference between a yeast infection and a bacterial infection. A yeast infection has white, clumpy discharge and smells kind of like dough. It itches and can be caused by taking antibiotics. Probiotic pills taken along with anti b's can help not get an infection. This kind can be cured easily with a three or 7 day yeast infection kit. A bacterial infection, however is a beast. If you have bacterial vaginitis it can seem like a yeast infection. If you treat it as such you will make it worse. Otc treatments will worsen a bv infection. I thought my slight itchyness was a yeast infection so I used 1 of a 3 day kit. The next morning I had a very painfull burning and itching sensation that worsened if I actually scratched it touched it. I'm a person who uses essential oils and I try to use natural remedies if I can. Although I do believe in pharmaceuticals when needed. I was in pain, burning and uncomfortable. I realized that by using the otc yeast infection Meds that I actually worsened my problem. I needed to balance my ph and good bacteria, not kill yeast.I realized, too late, the difference between the two. BV has thinner discharge and smells kind of fishy. It is almost , sorry for the gross, but true analogy, frothy. This is very important to know,the difference btwn the two so you can treat it. I've had BV in the past and had to get antibiotics from the dr, and they worked. 4-6 days on them mostly good results. Sometimes a secondary yeast infection happens due to the "good bacteria" being killed as well as the "bad". I did a bath/ douche combo to sooth/ rid my BV. I am by no means a medical professional, nor do I recommend this treatment to anyone , I'm just sharing my story and what worked for me. I cleaned my tub with scalding hot water and alcohol. I disinfected my self with soap and hot water from the waste down. I disinfected a turkey Baster as well. I ran a shallow bath till it covered my pubic bone, then I poured about a cup of organic apple cider vinegar into the bath. I then added 5 drops of tea tree oil. I stirred and soak for 10 mins. Then used the Baster to douch 4 times. I rinsed, pat dry and applied coconut oil the sooth my dry skin.twice more & I was cured.
My symptoms are strange at first I thought it was a yeast infection but yeast infection discharge does not smell bad I did some reaserch I realized I had bv but I'm very young and live with all guys so its too emberrasing to tell him or my docter in front of him I tried telling my docter in priavet but she said it was normal I don't have any burning of any kind its not hard to use the bathroom or anything I only have smelly discharge and its really emberrasing because people can smell it even when I'm wearing clouths this started a year ago I found sented pantyliners to cover up the smell and to not get the discharge on my undies but I have to wear one everyday it has made me feel less emberrased but the problem was never fixed it has now been 2 years with this and I'm getting to that age of sexual actions but still a vergan because I'm to emberrased of the smell to take my pants off I'm just now beginning home remedy's I prayyy to god they work because I want to feel confident again.
I suffered this super duper awful odor and discharges for almost a year. I used napkins everyday because panty liners cannot last the discharges for the rest of the day. I already had my pap smear and it is negative with STDs and other transmitted diseases. My ob-gyne prescribed me for a Metrodinazole Neo Preonatan but it is so expensive. I'm sure I haven't had sex with anyone aside for my husband. Please help me with natural remedies that is a least of cost.