Belching, bloating, and gas pains can strike you without notice. Fortunately, home remedies for gas such as baking soda and lemon, peppermint tea or even warm water can help to manage it.
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Yes you saved my life (not really but it felt like it) I woke up at midnight and then I was sitting in bed and then I came on here thx:):)
Thank you for the good tips. I love natural foods and most of these items are already in my larder.
Great tips
Always have used apple cider vingar to help with heart burn and gas, and it helped, but wow!!! Mixing baking soda and lemon into the equation, it is magic!!! Wonderful article! Thank you from my heart and belly!
I've tried the apple cider vinegar and it worked for my acid reflux and gas all at the same time. Now I drink that instead of taking medacine that costs a lot more money.
Tried baking soda, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar. All fizz was gone, added more water stirred and drank. Tastes like crap! Then it was like the gas was times 10. 30 mins later the runs started for the next 45 mins and then off and on for another half hour. When it stopped no more gas, but this seemed to be a colon cleanser more than gas eliminator.
I'll use warm water or tea...Thanks.
Was it 8oz of water with this mix?
Thanks for the great suggestions...I tried the one with Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey in a cup of water...and it worked a treat.
Pretty cool tips