It is quite common to get a burnt tongue accidentally in the excitement of tasting your favorite delicacy. If you had searching remedies on how to heal a burnt tongue, here we give you six super effective home-made tips from grandma’s ki...
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Drinking cold soda helps! Since the carbonation makes it super bubbly, keeping cold soda on your tongue far a bit can work well!
"take your tongue out of your mouth" at first, i was really confused by this instruction...but then I read the description. xD it might be a better idea to say "stick your tongue out" or something of that caliber.
Ahaha! When its actually describing how you actually burnt your tongue!!
My hubby burned his tongue because he was making me a cup of coffee but we always put water from the Keurig first to pre-heat the mug to ensure our coffee will be good and hot. Well, he reached for what he thought was his cup and sucked in near boiling water - boy, did he yelp!!! First we tried iced cold water - then an ice cube - then a spoonful of sugar, which he said helped quite a bit. I had some natural peppermint toothpaste so he lathered his tongue with some as well (he was hurting pretty good!) Conclusion- my hubby said of all he tried the sugar takes the cake :-) he said his tongue somewhat better after the sugar. Thanks for all the helpful information! We'll remember but by the Grace of God - won't need to repeat. Great article to share though ;-)
I I burned my tongue
Sugar def help thanks!!! Note to self: Wait for hot coca to cool lol.
WOW!!!!!!! Gargling cold water helps a whole lot!!!!!!
i burnt my tonge ysterday and i tried all of thsese none of them work
i have like about 11 or 10 ice cubes in my mouth