Deserts roses are pleasant to watch on the eyes with distinct white and pink colored flower. Learn their basic needs and desert rose care tips to get beautiful flowers!
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How do you clean the leaves on a deer rose
Sorry that's a desert rose
My desert rose has verigated yellow leaves that turn completely yellow and fall off. What is the problem?
I've bought my Desert Rose from QVC over 4 years age, I get a lot of beautiful leaves, but I it has never flowered.
I have several desert roses in small seperate pots, can I combine them into a very very large planter pot
I have a strange horn like (branch?) growing on the top of my DR. It's very heavy and weighing it down. Any suggestions?
How do i keep ANTS off my DS? PLEASE HELP!!!!
We bought a six inch tall desert rose plant from Home Depot several years ago. It grew to over two feet tall and developed seed pods the third year. We grew 50 new plants in topsoil on a cookie tray on the back porch. We gave most away but kept three plants from this one "momma" and two years later she is developing new pods, and also on one of her off springs.
I got my dessert rose this past supper,and in the fall one night here we had a light frost and I 4 got the plant outside all its leaves dropped off,do you think it survived and will come back
in number 4 above you reference this as a bonsai. was this just a typo? also one plant I bought at the botanical garden is just one tall thick stem with a bunch of leaves on top and it flowers once during the summer. it shows no sign of any offshoots at all. is this normal in some plants?