Does your period delay? Will it come at an inconvenient time? Learn some simple home remedies on ways to induce a period.
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I used to take pills 3 years ago then I stopped. After that, my period isn't regular anymore. There are months where I don't experience it. My usual period starts on the first week of the month however last May I didn't have my period and now I'm inducing it to come. Already took a tablet of Vit C. Hoping it'll help.
Trying the aspirin drink mix, hot compress and later on exercising. Idk about the drink mix it honestly was so terrible I almost threw up. But the hot compress is making my cramps feel really heavy? But after I'm using it I feel nothing? Does this mean I'm going to start soon ?
I'm trying hear compression .... the sad thing is my period has always been left to right and I really don't remember the last time I had it.... I'm not pregnant I'm pretty sure I would be showing it's been a month a two .
Yes got my periods after taking 10 vit C tabs....
You can also try taking a hot water bath with 2 cups of mustard powder. Sit for atleast 20 mins and rinse off all the residue. The powder may irritate sensitive skin a little bit but this works wonders. Your period will arrive in a day or two max. It also clears ur toxins.
Houston we have period! Thank you for this post! I have my birthday on Wednesday and it's also the day we leave On vacation! I was projected to start on Wednesday but had been feeling crampy 2 days ago (Saturday!) well, I drank a lot of pineapple juice, and emergen-C as well as did ab workouts and this morning (Monday) I woke up and I have my period. My last spotty day will be Wednesday! WOOOOO. THANK YOU WRITER AND THANK U JESUS
My period is very irregular and its currently 8 days late and I have felt cramped and bolted for around a week now just getting annoyed and want to get it over with
Took 3 vitamin c tablets, let's see if it works. And I'm gonna try the hot compress as well
It helped my sister, but not me. I've been missing my period for about 3 to 4 months now and I'm starting to get concerned. I'm not pregnant, so what should I do?
I'm 14 and I got my period almost 3 years ago and it was regular then it changed to the middle of the month and I'm waiting to get it and I'm getting all the symptoms of my period ex: my boobs hurt and they are full and I stuck a tampon up there and there was blood does that mean I'm going to start soon?