Left side chest pain can be caused by serious medical conditions such as heart attack or something less severe such as heartburn. Unless you know the exact cause, always consult your doctor!
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Sir i am old 31yr one side 1artry place chest pain in last four month i have e c g. T m t. trponin i test all is normal sleep time no pains dr telling this is musle pain dont worry then what i do ....
I am 13 1/2 and experience pains in the left side of my chest when I am sitting or laying down and it happens 2-4 times a week and even 4 times a day maybe every 2 months. I doubt it is something big such as a heart issue at such a young age but I have been experiencing it since I was about 11 1/2. I dont eat unhealthy but dont eat really healthy, I wouls say I have the diet of a average young teenage female. Maybe it is gas, or something like that, but i never seem gassy much. What could it be?
I was just cutting someones hair and rotated my left arm and got a really sharp pain in my chest
I am 37 female. I have been having this pain in left side chest. And what worrys me is I have been getting head aches for a couple days and not a headache person. Also my jaw and neck were hurting really bad yesterday
Whenever i lie in semi supinated position for more than 10-25 min it lead to left side chest pain which what can b the cause fr it, m having this problem from last 2 years
I suffer little pain in my chest is this ignoreable or anything serious
To all of you who are talking about brief pain, it is probably pericordial catch syndrome. It normally happens in young adults and older teens, but can happen earlier. It is nothing to worry about.
i am also the victim of that my all tests are negative ..i think the chest pain is due to the bowl gases in pancreas.so do not worry that is not a problem and personally i will suggest keep calm and spend most of your time concentrating in work and change your diet a bit like avoid oily foods .cheers and enjoy your life
Inspite of asking on forum please consult your doctor. Even a minor thing can be something severe,take your health seriously. Every body has different physiology so what can be correct for someone can be wrong for other body type. Thanks n god bless
Hi started with cough temperature of 38.4 very fast pulse doctor said most probably viral infection to go home rest drink fluids that was a Thursday by Tuesday I was there again pain in left side of my chest got worse and was in my back and shoulder real bad headaches too .Doctor signed me off work gave me amoxicillin 500 mg 3 a day after a week still no better so back i went saw another doctor who said he thought it was pluerisy signed me off work for further 2 weeks gave me more antibiotics here I am finished the antibiotics still breathless still burning in my left lung and with pain in my side shoulder and neck I'm back tomorrow to see my GP as work want me back in but how can I when I get out of breath just walking around...haven't had bloods taken or offered a chest x ray hope they send me tomorrow I'm getting a bit scared now never felt this bad before does anyone know wat it could be x