Feeling that my period won’t stop seems so scary!! But scary doesn't means dangerous. Know when it’s abnormal, its causes and how to handle it can help you out.
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I am 13 I started my period about 3 and a half weeks ago, I am starting to notice large red clots of blood about the size of half a dime. I am getting worried about it. I am also afraid to tell my mom about it because it is embarrassing... I have to change my pad every 30 min and every time I have already bleed through two pads, underwear, spandex and pants. I am concerned about my health at this point...
Hey im 23 nd ive bin havin my periods for over 2mnths nw i took overalls pills de white one's but stil i wont stop bleeding sometimes i feel like fainting it has been like this since i was forced to take injection for preventing when i gave birth at the hospital
I'm 40 ,n I have hypothyroid n I have never had a period more than 3 to ,4 days .but this time it's been almost ,1 months.
I am meghla. I am 19 years old. Now 20. Days. My period won't stop. What to do?
All the young ladies you should speak up and tell your mom. Trust me she has been where you are. We all have or had that feeling of ashame or been embarrassed. I know your ladies are young but it might ba as simple as putting you in birth control to regulate it. Your mom can't help you if you don't share with her what is going on. The number one thing you have to do is take care of your body . You don't have to get in all the details just say mom can I talk to you UN private. Than say I have questions about my period. Maybe you can clear a few things up for me. And trust me your Mon will take it from there and you call tell her whatever you want to share. Don't forget your mom is your number one supporter. You can go to mom about anything. She has your back.
I'm 50and my period don't want stop being bleeding for a year and a half don't know what to d
I'm 25 and this is the second time my period is taking two weeks or so. Last time was in Oct when it took 2weeks and a couple of days. The next month was pretty light so I didn't go to the doctor anymore as my friend suggested. However, this month, it happened (still happening) again. I don't know what to do. I don't feel cramps or anything, but it's continuous. It's freaking me out.
Im Jane I am fifteen and my period has lasted about a month now. At first I was really scared because my period has always been very regular and then I turned 14 and I started to get irregular periods. I waited about two months later to tell her because I was scared. When I told her dhe said its normal for that to happen and just make sure to tell me if it gets longer. Then it became two weeks, three weeks and now a full month. Some of my sisters friends are having the same problem and my mom use to have that problem also when she was my age. They all said that taking birth contol fixed their problem. Because this fixed my moms problem would this fix mine?
I just turned 19. My period has always been kinda erratic buy this last one came 45 days late and now it won't stop. I have been bleeding since December 13. Do I REALLY need to see a doc or should I just wait?
I'm twelve and I've had my period for a little less than a year. At the beginning, the cycle was a normal, but now it is becoming a problem. For about two or three months, my period never ends. When my period is scheduled to come, I have medium to heavy bleeding, but between my scheduled days, I have a constant bleeding situation. It's light enough to use a pantyliner, but sometimes it's too heavy for one. I'd have two or three days of no bleeding, but then it would start all over again. Does anyone know why?