What is O positive blood type diet? Here are the beans, meat, vegetables, fruits and beverages that should be added and avoided in the diet.
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Where does this lean meat, low fat idea for O bloods come from? Even dr D'Adamo suggests the same. Is it just a reaction to the anti-fat drive of media and accepted medicine? I am retired, 65 y/o, and fat makes up 60~80% of my calories. Protein is next and roughly 10% of my calories come from low carb vegetables, a few berries and maybe one piece of fruit a day. I eat only one meal a day, my evening meal around 5~6 pm. My fat comes from fatty meat, lamb, bovine, wild meat, occasional cured pork; and a good amount of Hemp seed oil as a morning, noon, supper and evening support. It is difficult to find actual pure quality Olive Oil, and I do not like the taste, so it isn't used. Check out Brian Peskin on fish oils. I gave them up two+ years ago, where before I ate a lot of Pink Salmon for the omega oils. Now no more. I have no health issues other than a bad hip from an accident age 30, where I was not able to get to an MD. A hip replacement is in order, but my use of Borax has strengthened my elderly bones so much (4+ years) a recent dentist was amazed over their extreme strength, 'for any age'. I am not much into exertion exercise, never have been. I like to walk, and take the occasional fast 100 metre run. Namaste and care, mhikl
Grapefruit juice is okay for person with blood type o positive
Thank u I was eating wrong food
I just found out I'm o positive today. And this list is dead on. I have low thyroid prob. And I'm 160 6 foot and thin. I have auto immune issues. I have digestion issues exactly as listed. Ive been told I have auto immune crohns ibs mystery. I had no idea about any of this blood type stuff. Its dead on for me. I have real probe w most of the stuff listed here. I just cant believe this information thank God for who ever figured all this out
The medical stuff and food list almost 100 percent for me. I didn't know blood types were this much defining of who I am. Weaknesses. Things I shouldn't eat. Better Wat's to live. I'm blown away about how this mactches my issues. Ev one should know there blood type and research
Why are 'lean' meats always mentioned for the O blood diet?! • There are only three main food kinds*: fat, protein and sugars (carbohydrate is a fashioned food because 'sugar' is associated with nutrition imbalance, guilty by association). I suspect 'lean' is pushed because of dietary bias by the accepted medical industry, and because 'fat' has become a mantra for evil by the sugar industry; their need for a scapegoat; a food worse than what they peddle. • The body can only assimilate or use a limited amount of protein to a) build new muscle, b) to replace worn and damaged protein parts of muscle. All extra protein is broken down in the body as sugar (carbohydrates). You know when you are likely eating too much protein by the darker yellow and orange-yellow urine. Fat is the healthier use for energy over sugar, which includes unused proteins that are converted to fat to be used as energy. The majority of calories for an O blood should, therefore, come from healthy fats. • Healthy fats would be from animal for the saturates, from ghee and certain plant oils for un-saturates. Hemp oil is the healthiest of plant oils. Even home rendered lard works for O blood types. Fish oils are suspect; check out Brian Peskin's research. They may be dangerous oils and the root of cancer, diabetes and heart disease. The answer, btw, is not his expensive capsules. Hemp seed oil, a TBSP or two a day fulfils the need for plant based omega oils. It must be taken raw, not cooked. • Always, always! take the time to do your own research from a variety of sources. Do not just accept what any poster or claimed authority espouses. And listen to your body; determine what feeds your health, not just your stomach. * Two other foods are alcohol (digested by the liver) and the '-tols', Xylitol for one, which is digested in the intestines and can cause loose bowels if too much is taken in one sitting. But Xylitol does have health benefits, and the body does make it's own Xylitol in small quantities; which suggests it is important to health. Sinus sufferers, for example, would clear their noses (and all head openings) by a home made spray (4 tsp Xylitol + 1/4 tsp salt dissolved in water (as a buffer) to make a cup). This can be used in all head orifices, eyes, ears nose and mouth (as a tooth paste) and even on the eyebrows, which stops itch, instantly. Twice daily use in flue and cold seasons banishes such attacks; but only if used consistently. Namaste and care, mhikl