Pain in inner thigh can keep you from doing daily activities. Learning about the causes and treatments can help you relieve the pain and make the healing process faster.
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I been having these inner thigh pain they come in like spasm, I can't sleep at night I havevto wait for my appointment with the doctor office I hurt vso bad all doing the day and night I walk with a limp some one tell me something there my e mail response.
I have been hurting for while I need to know what I have I ha ve a mri done
Walking on and standing hurts resting makes it better but didn't feel it yet whole time I was excerisei get my knee after surgery
My pain is so bad can't walk not even with a cane.been applying heaters that wrong?.are is ice pk.better?
I have pain in the morning when I first use my legs. Can't walk without holding on to something at first but gradually gets to the point that I can walk on it. Trying to baby it for a few days. Not sure what it is right now.
I have inner thigh pain and they are severe I don't know what ICauses or how to realeve pain