White stuff in urine may just be sediments; however, it can also be serious conditions like UTI or infections that require medical attention. See a doctor to get it accurately diagnosed.
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When my husband goes pee after he flushes the toilet there is a white thickish film floating on top of the toilet water. It almost looks like someone spit in the toilet. Or as if there were toilet paper remenents left floating in the bowl
After a night of heavy petting with my girl and not letting myself ejaculate, the next day when I went to pee it was like a thick syrupy consistency that came out. No pain and nothing like that again. Could it be that the build up of semen through sexual stimulation caused that to happen?
Basically in morning when I pee, I see some white liquid coming out. No itching or pain yet. Could it something serious or do I need to consult a doctor
I went to take a pregnancy test and had to pee in a cup. When I went to dip the stick in I noticed a clump of white mucus floating in my urine. This scared me. I never seen that before. What can it be? I'm scared. There is no burning or fish smell.