The Dating Game was a television show that was aired back in the 60s. Usually, it featured three contestants who competed amongst themselves for a date with a bachelorette. In this setting, the bachelorette could not see the participants in the game. Therefore, she was left to make a personal choice based on the answers given by the three of them. Although it was a silly game, viewers learnt some playful ways of interacting with members of opposite sex. Through these dating game questions, there was a lot to learn and here are some of the questions you could ask.

30 Great Dating Game Questions
Where do you come from?
Who would you dine with from around the world as a guest?
What other profession would you like other than what you are in right now?
How often do you sing to yourself? And to some other person?
If you were to travel to some place, where would that be?
What are you looking for in the opposite sex?
What quality do you desperately need to become a better person than you are today?
Are you active in the morning or at night?
What is your best way of having fun?
What adjustments would you make if you were to live for the next two weeks only?
Which book have you read in the recent past? Was it worth it?
Describe a time you felt happy about helping others.
How do you define friendship?
What mistake have you done in the past that you'd love to delete from your history?
How was life in college for you?
What have you loved about your education over the years?
How do you handle a friend who is traumatized?
What do you think you are best at?
Do you live alone or with other people?
Do you consider a quite person a coward?
If you won a million dollars in a lottery, what would you consider doing first?
What would you tell your partner about you before you get into a relationship with them?
What other languages do you converse in?
If your house catches fire, what would you take with you as you rush out?
What could be declared as the biggest challenge in life?
Do you believe in having a faithful partner in marriage?
What is that one thing you would do if you became president one day?
How do you envision the future from now?
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