Botanically, avocados are very different from other edible fruits in that they have lower amounts of sugars and high amounts of fats. The amount of calories in these fruits depends on the type. There are two main types of avocados in the U.S., the Florida avocados and the California avocados. The California variety is also referred to as Hass avocados and has a pebbly dark skin. The Florida avocados, however, have green smooth rinds. Throughout this article, the Florida avocados will be discussed in details.

What is Florida Avocado?
When are they available?
These fruits are available starting from mid summer up to early spring.
General facts
Avocados are scientifically known as Persea Americana and belong to the family Lauraceae. This family of plants is comprised of plants that produce edible sassafras, herb cinnamon and camphor. It was named the Florida avocado because of where it grows. Currently, there are more than 50 avocado varieties in Florida, which are broadly classified as fall, winter and spring Florida avocados. Some of the commercial avocado varieties that are very successful in Florida include Bernecker, Pollock, Lula and Doni.
Appearance and flavor
Florida avocados are different from other types of avocados in terms of flavor and appearance. They are unique in that their skin color does not change when they ripen. The skin is kelly green, smooth and occasionally spotted with brown streaks. Although their skin is steadfastly attached to the flesh of the fruit, it is rather easy to peel off. As for the flesh part, it is soft, pliable, cornflower gold and rich in moisture. It has a huge central pit and its flavor depicts subtle notes of nuts, such as filberts, almonds, as well as grass.
Nutritional benefits
As compared to other edible fruits, avocados are more nutritious. In addition to being rich in proteins, Florida avocados are also high in fiber and contain vitamin E, potassium and folate.
Avocados are best when eaten fresh. However, they may also be processed into chilled soups, which are used to make guacamole. Other culinary pairings of avocados to make guacamole include tomatoes, citrus, herbs like basil and cilantro, salt, bacon, sausages, beef, alliums like onions and garlic, legumes, seafood, summer squash, cheeses, chiles, cucumbers and cumin. Guacamole is a wise choice for raw veggies. Moreover, by adding tomatillos, prepared salsa or chopped tomatoes, you may also add extra nutrients to the veggie. Additionally, the avocado enhances the absorption of carotenoids from the salsa or tomatoes you added.
Maturation and preserve
Normally, avocados ripen within three days after harvesting. In order to fasten the ripening of the avocado fruit, you may wrap it in a paper bag and keep it at room temperature. You may also use citrus to preserve the fruit as exposure to air causes it to turn brown.
Initially, avocado species were propagated by animals, who had distributed the seed to new locations. Although some selected varieties of the fruit are grown by the humans, the avocado has been growing in the wild for about 13,000 years. Basically, there are three main varieties of avocados today, the Mexican, the West Indian and the Guatemalan avocados. Each of these varieties is unique in its own way. However, cross pollination has led to the development of new varieties of the plant. The Florida variety is native to Mexico variety. Henry Perrine was the first person to introduce avocados in Florida in the year 1833. And Florida was the first state to cultivate avocados in America.
Other Types of Avocado
This is a small avocado variety that has a corn-shaped pit and a smooth skin. It is grown as a commercial variety in Australia. The fleshy part of the fruit is rich and sticky.
This is a well renowned Florida avocado variety. It weighs about two pounds, the majority of which is water. It has a silken flesh and a mild flavor.
The avocado has a classy outside appearance that features a pebbly skin that is frog-green, a slender neck and generally a pear-shaped figure. The Tonnage has an outstanding flavor.
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This is a huge avocado variety, weighing about five pounds. It has a dense skin, oily flesh and a good flavor. It ripens between August and October.
The Macarthur variety has a creamy meat, a smooth skin and nutty flavor. It features a bulbous bottom, which curves into the stem deeply.
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