If you always suffer from runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, shortness of breath and other annoying symptoms allergy, you must really want to know great ways of reducing allergy quickly and effectively. If you've been researching for methods to soothe your condition but without any good results, you should try these tips we listed here to get relief and even rid allergy totally.

How to Reduce Allergy
Arm yourself with knowledge
One of the best ways on reducing allergy is to know as much as possible about your allergy and everything that is involved with it. For example, begin with understanding what your symptoms are, so that the moment your symptoms show up, you can take care of them immediately.
Second, know what your triggers are, and then avoid them or keep minimal contact with them. For some people, the weather can be a trigger. In such cases, stay away from plants or trees that are likely to trigger your condition. The biggest culprits are oaks, maples, Russian thistle, grass, ragweed, birches and beeches. If you’re unable to find out exactly which plants trigger your allergy, the just stay away stay inside and wear a mask whenever necessary!
Stay away from houseplants
More so if the weather is one of your biggest triggers. Apart from carrying pollen and dust, houseplants are also guilty of carrying mold spores that make their home in the wet soil of these plants. If you think giving up your houseplants is an extreme step, then keep the time you watering them to a minimum. Needless to say, maintain a safe distance from them as well.
Switch your AC on
How to reduce allergy? Ventilation is vital. Not only does an AC instantly control the level of humidity in your room, but also prevents pollen from getting inside your room. If using an AC is not possible, then make sure you keep your windows close at least until early evening, because after that time plants and trees have shed the most pollen.
Never use a fan
That’s because a fan will immediately disperse and distribute existing pollen inside your room to all corners, making it difficult for your allergies.
Keep your car windows rolled up
Especially if you are heading out in the morning or afternoon. Early mornings between 5 and 10 a.m. are the worst time to be out because the pollen count is at its peak during this time. Shift your jogs to evenings, get out of your house only when it’s necessary, and keep your house windows closed as late into the night as possible.
Use the correct vacuum
Look. Different vacuums are created for different purposes and have different prices. Vacuums helping with how to reduce allergy is one that has a HEPA-rated filter. For those who didn’t know, such filters are made so special that they do not push the dust that they sucked in a few seconds ago out in the air. Speaking of vacuums, always ensure that you empty the bag when it’s half full – preferably by someone who doesn’t have allergies. If you’re living alone, make sure you’re wearing disposable gloves and a dust mask to empty the bag.
Get rid of your carpet when necessary
The thing is that your home carpet is probably already infested by dust mites. And if your carpet is kept over a concrete floor, that’s even worse because the concrete disallows the evaporation of moisture from the carpet. This in turn lets your carpet remain wet/moist for a longer period of time, thus proving to be a haven for the breeding of mold and mites. So make sure you get rid of any and every carpets, rugs and foot mats from your house.
Don’t let your pets sleep on your bed
Switch to vinyl
If your furniture’s covered with cloth or any other fluffy material, then you might want to think switching over to vinyl. Not only cloths are tougher to maintain, but they’re an easy breeding ground for mites, molds, dust and spores. The only solution to getting rid of them is to wash the cloths on a regular basis, which is a lot of work for most people. Vinyl, on the other hand, can easily be cleaned by a cloth dipped in soap water!
Get rid of fluffy pillows and cushions
Skin cells, animal dander, and dust can easily get caught up in all the fluff, and until and unless you’re washing these pillows and cushions on a weekly basis, there really is no point in keeping them. I get that they’re aesthetically pleasing, but when it comes to how to reduce allergy, please know what your priorities are.
Wash your children’s toys
Especially the cuddly teddy bears and rabbits. Much like pillows and furniture covers, these toys contain a lot of mites, pollutants and allergens in them, more so if they are being shared by other children, when your child is out on play dates. Make sure you wash them in boiling water on a weekly basis.
Don’t bring your shoes inside
Always leave your shoes outside your door, if possible. If not, keep a shoe rack right beside your door and put your shoes on it as soon as you get inside. Most people won’t believe the unbelievable amount of dirt, spores, bacteria and allergens their shoes carry. Keep your home slippers aside and wear them only inside. And while you’re at it, the moment you’re about to enter your home, make sure you wipe your shoes on your foot mat to get rid of as much allergens stuck on your shoes, as possible.
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