Eyelashes draw attention to the face, form the frame of the eyes, and make the face more beautiful. Women become self-conscious when they notice their eyelashes falling out or thinning regardless of age. There are many ways to improve the appearance of eyelashes such as using eyelash extensions, wearing false eyelashes or mascara. However, these things will just make your eyelashes become weaker. Instead, here are a few tips and natural remedies to help you out.

How to Thicken Eyelashes with Makeup
Wear Mascara
Step 1: Use an eyelash curler to clamp your upper eyelashes at the root and hold for 5 seconds. Do it again midway through and at the tip of the eyelashes.
Step 2: For best results, place the curler at the root of the upper eyelashes and slowly and evenly move it to the tips.
Step 3: To thicken the eyelashes, hold the mascara brush at the base of your eyelashes and wiggle it to the tips. Wait for it to dry and repeat.
Watch this video to learn how to apply mascara skillfully.
Apply Fake Eyelash
Step 1: Apply mascara. Curl your eyelashes and brush with a coat of mascara to create a base for the fake lashes.
Step 2: Cut to fit. Create a large individual lash by cutting the lash band at the center. This way, it will be easier to place, and it will not be weird and asymmetrical like a full lash.
Step 3: Add adhesive. On the lash band trace a thin line of Duo and wait a few seconds for it to dry a little.
Step 4: Stick them. Use your fingers not tweezers to place the lashes on the outer corner firs, t hugging the lash line tight. If you want an eye lifting effect, you can place the fake lashes above the natural lash line.
Watch this video to learn more about how to apply fake eyelashes.
Use Eyelash Extension
Instead of applying fake eyelashes yourself, you can get eyelash extensions fixed at your salon. Unlike fake lashes that can last longer than a day, you can select the length of the extensions to avoid looking dramatic on official days. Individual lashes are stuck between your natural lashes, and this can take hours to do. It is recommended that you go for a touch-up after every 2 weeks. To maintain the extensions, sleep on your back and carefully remove make up with removers that are oil free. To prevent tangling, brush out the extensions daily. Extensions shed and might make your own lashes shed. If your eyelashes are getting thinner because of extensions, cease from using them.
Try Latisse
Latisse is a topical prescription medication that you apply on your eyelash line once a day. Mostly your eyelashes will be super-long, thicker and darker. In two months, patients have been seen to have fuller and longer lashes. However, latisse is pricey and has side effects like most medications. It has also been noted that the effects of the drug are not permanent, your lashes will go back to their initial size and amount when you stop using it. You can maintain the optimal size by using latisse less often.
How to Thicken Eyelashes with Natural Remedies
Castor Oil
Castor oil can make you have voluminous and lustrous eyelashes because of its powerful follicle nourishing and stimulating properties. It also fights micro-organisms that hinder the growth of lashes.
How to use: Before going to bed, use a clean brush or cotton swab to brush your eyelashes with castor oil. You can also add vitamin E oil to the castor oil. Rinse in the morning with lukewarm water.
You can also mix fresh aloe vera gel with 2 tablespoons of castor oil. Use a cotton swab to apply and let it stay overnight. Rinse in the morning. Do this for 2-3 months.
Olive Oil
Another tip on how to thicken eyelashes is by using olive oil. It is well known for thickening hair and eyelashes. It is rich in oleic acid and vitamin E that nourish and increase the volume of your eyelashes. It also maintains the dark color of eyelashes.
How to use: Before going to bed, use a clean brush or cotton swab that has been dipped in warm olive oil to brush over your eyelashes. Leave it for the night and rinse in the morning with lukewarm water. Repeat for several months.
Brush Your Eyelashes
Another way on how to thicken eyelashes is brushing them to remove dirt and dust particles. This will ensure the pores are not blocked and improve blood circulation, increasing the nutrients that get to the follicles.
How to use: Add a few drops of vitamin E or petroleum jelly to a soft eyelash brush and apply it directly to the eyelashes. Start your strokes from the base of the eyelashes moving towards the tip slowly. Brush for 5 minutes twice a day.
Eyelid Massage
Massaging the eyelids improves blood circulation and, as a result, fosters the growth of eyelashes. More nutrients get to the follicles making the lashes stronger and less prone to breaking. Put a few drops of shea butter or petroleum jelly on your eyelids, use your fingertips to massage your lash line and eyelids in small circular motions. Massage 5-7 time daily for a few months.
Coconut Milk
Coconut milk is protein rich and has essential fats that can help you have thicker and longer eyelashes. It will also give a lustrous look to your eyelashes. Dip a cotton swab in coconut milk and apply on your eyelashes and let it dry for 10 minutes before you rinse it off. Do this twice a day for a few months.
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