It is common for people to react to belly button pain in different ways. Some individuals think it will eventually go away, while others fear something is severely wrong with their body. No matter how you react, it is important to evaluate the pain in your belly button area to determine if you need medical attention.

What Kind of Pain Are You Experiencing in Belly Button?

Before you attempt to identify the cause of the pain in your belly button , you need to be able to explain it. There are essentially two ways to describe the pain you are experiencing.

Consistent Pain or Not

First you need to be able to describe the consistency of your pain in belly button or area around. Is your pain constant, or does it come and go? Is the pain worse at certain times of the day like when you get up in the morning or the end of the day, or is it more painful when doing specific things like eating a meal? Is your pain set off by a certain movement or centralized to a specific area? How your pain presents itself will give you and your doctor a better idea about what is causing your discomfort.


Type of the Pain

Next, you need to be able to describe the type of pain you are experiencing. What is your pain level? Is it mild or sharp? Does it briefly catch your attention or does it hinder you from certain movements? Is your pain in belly button located on the surface of your skin, or does it feel like it is deeper inside? By clearly identifying the type of pain you are suffering, your doctor will be able to better diagnose your condition and evaluate how serious it may be.

Common Causes of Pain in Belly Button

Now that you know pain radiating from your belly button area can be triggered by several different issues, the next step is to figure out what is causing it. Some of the common causes are minor, while others may be more serious and need surgical intervention. Here are some of the most common reasons for pain in belly button.

Eating Issues

When you eat, your stomach expands to accommodate the size of the meal you are consuming. The expansion puts pressure on your abdomen. This can cause pain in  belly button area, especially in the case when overeating is involved. By over indulging, gas can build up and create pressure around the surrounding areas of your stomach. Another common cause of belly button pain associated with eating is food poisoning. This ailment can also cause your stomach to expand. Growing bacterial colonies create a buildup of gas. Other typical indications of food poisoning are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.


Adverse Effects from Medications

If you are taking medication to treat a stomach problem, the medication may cause pain in belly button area. Your body may be adversely reacting to the medication and is not allowing it to properly enter your system. It is important to contact your doctor so that he can determine if your pain in belly button is caused by the medication or another possible digestive problem.



When an abdominal organ such as your bladder, bowels and intestines has a weak point and part of it protrudes through a tear in its cavity, this is considered as a hernia. Pain and tenderness in belly button area are common symptoms. The pain becomes worse when walking or bending over. Other symptoms that indicate a hernia include painful bowel movements, a heavy feeling in the abdomen, a tender spot or lump in the area, and urination scrotum pain. You will want to do your best to not aggravate the area. If you are suffering from a hernia, your doctor will evaluate it and determine if you need surgical repair for the torn tissue.



When a woman is pregnant, she will often experience pain around belly button area. While it is not usually something to be concerned about, it is important to note when the pain occurs and if it is constant or overwhelming. If it continues, make sure you see your doctor as soon as possible as it can be a sign that something goes wrong. However, take note that occasional mild pain in this area is common as your baby grows.



Ulcers occur when your stomach lining has eroded and stomach acid escapes, damaging tissue around it. They can cause you to have sharp pain in belly button. If they go untreated, they can cause internal bleeding and extensive damage. Spicy food can aggravate the damaged tissue and cause the pain to become worse. Your doctor can prescribe medications that can help as well as guide you in lifestyle and diet changes that can reduce your chances of getting more ulcers in the future.


Pancreatic Problems

Pancreatic problems can cause fever, headaches and nausea as well as pain near the belly button. If your pain comes and goes throughout the day, it is important to discuss it with your doctor. He can use this information to make the right diagnosis.


Crohn's Disease

Crohn’s disease occurs when there is inflammation of the bowel. It can affect areas anywhere from the mouth to the rectum. Symptoms include loss of appetite, pain in belly button area, cramping of the abdomen, mouth ulcers, constipation, diarrhea, or rectal bleeding. There is no cure for Crohn’s disease and it is often passed on through genetics. Sometimes smoking or your body’s reaction to normal bacteria can cause the disease as well. Your doctor can provide medication to help with your symptoms.

Less Common Causes of Pain in Belly Button

There are additional, less common causes of pain in belly button. Some are listed here. Remember to consult your doctor for a more specific diagnose.

Urinary Tract Infection (Cystitis)

This urinary tract infection, often referred to cystitis, spreads to the kidneys as the illness progresses. Cystitis is much more common in women than men. Sometimes it can cause you to have pain around belly button area, but the most common symptoms are pain when you’re urinating and cloudy or bloody urine. You should see your doctor as soon as possible as only antibiotics may cure this infection.


Stomach Infections

Infections of the stomach can cause belly button pain and tenderness. Due to the reproduction of bacteria, your stomach may swell and cause flu like symptoms. You can experience nausea and vomiting. You should get examined by a doctor to determine if you need medication to clear up your infection.



Sometimes you can experience pain in belly button area if you have had recent abdominal surgery. It ranges from mild to severe, but in either case, it should disappear as your body heals. Your doctor can give you medication to deal with the pain. If it persists for an extended period of time, inform your doctor as it may be an indication of a serious problem or may be another issue that is not even related to your initial surgery.



Most people with gallstones don’t experience symptoms until there is a complication. When symptoms do occur, you may experience pain that radiates from your upper abdomen to your belly button. It is typically not a constant pain but one that shows up every so often. You may also experience vomiting, fever, nausea, bloating and jaundice. Your doctor can determine if medication and lifestyle changes can alleviate your symptoms or if you need surgical treatment.


Small Intestine Disorders

The small intestine centers near the belly button area, so when you have a problem with it, you may experience severe pain around belly button. You can also suffer from constipation, fever and nausea owning to it. Common problems, such as a kink in the intestines, an infection and other disorders, can also cause pain in belly button. Visit your doctor, so he can figure out what is causing the pain and symptoms, and if you need to have surgery to fix the problem.


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