When a women is turning her 30s, there are something different. As for clothes, you should make some changes, too. Here are some tips you can take as your reference.

Part 1
Non-matching Socks
By age 30, you should be able to keep better track of your socks.
Hoop Earrings
Only girls in high school can still pull off hoop earrings.
Furry Boots
Let the teenagers have their fun, but no 30-year-old woman should be caught dead in "boots with the fur." It's rare to find furry clothing that's actually fashionable AND age appropriate.
Tube Tops
Ugh, why do they still make these? Nobody looks good in them.
Short Dresses and mini skirt
You don't have to bare it all to look sexy. By this age, women should know it's always better to leave something to the imagination.
Overalls: No. Just no.
Crop Tops
Even if you have a bangin' body, leave these "shirts" to the young folks.
American Eagle
Sure, their jeans fit perfectly, but that doesn't make it trendy for women over 30 to be wearing them.
Booty Shorts
I don't know at what age it is acceptable to let your booty hang out.
Old Sneakers
Grown women should not be seen in rundown tennis shoes. If you can't afford a new pair, then it's time to reevaluate life as a 30-year-old.
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