Turmeric, also known as Curcuma longa in the scientific world, is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant from the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. It is a native plant to southeast India that needs warm temperatures and plentiful rainfall annually in order to survive. For years, it has been used in Indian cuisine as a spice in curries or for medicinal purposes. Turmeric tea is a natural medicine with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help improve our overall health.

Why Turmeric Tea?
Turmeric tea eases heartburn and upset stomachs
A study in 1989 showed that turmeric plant supplements were found to be more effective at easing heartburn symptoms and fighting problems with indigestion than the placebo. Turmeric is known to have anti-inflammatory properties which can help explain the relief it gives for those that suffer from these symptoms.
It fights heart attacks
Curcumin, an element of turmeric, has many different health benefits, including the ability to prevent heart attacks. A study published in 2012 proved this to be true. 30% of people in the placebo group of the study experienced heart attacks after surgery, as opposed to the 13% of those that were taking curcumin tablets. It may not be foolproof, but it certainly makes a difference.
Turmeric tea postpones diabetes
It isn’t a cure, but for those that have prediabetes, curcumin capsules can help put off Type 2 diabetes. In a study that took place in 2012, participants were given either curcumin tablets or a placebo over nine months. 16% of people taking the placebo were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes by the end of the study and no one taking curcumin was. Researchers say it has to do with all that anti-inflammatory and antioxidant goodness.
It fights cancer
Though it’s still early in the research stage, scientists have had some encouraging results when it comes to curcumin’s effect on cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, it interferes in the cancer’s ability to develop, and has even killed cancer cells and shrunken tumors in a lab setting.
Turmeric tea can protect the brain
Studies have shown that a compound known as aromatic turmerone that is found in turmeric can help repair stem cells in the brain. This can be developed to help repair brain damage caused by strokes or Alzheimer’s and could potentially be used to prevent them in the future.
It curbs joint pain
Again, this has to do with the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric. Scientists still aren’t quite sure how it works, but studies have shown that turmeric helps provide relief for people with joint pain or arthritis.
A word of CAUTION
For the most part, turmeric has not shown any serious side effects in people. If you take it for long periods of time or in high doses, it may cause indigestion, nausea or diarrhea. Those with gallbladder disease or who have blood clotting problems should avoid taking turmeric as it can make these problems worse. Talk to your doctor about whether or not turmeric is safe for you to take based on your pre-existing conditions and other medicines you are taking.
Tumeric Tea Recipes
Basic Turmeric Ginger Tea
Brewing turmeric tea can be quite simple. Though you can use ground spices from the store, I recommend using freshly ground turmeric and ginger in these recipes. It’ll give the tea a better flavor.
Ingredients | Amount |
Water | 1 cup |
Ground Tumeric (fresh or store bought) | ¼ teaspoon |
Ground ginger (fresh or store bought) | ¼ teaspoon |
Lemon or honey | To taste |
Step 1: Bring the water up to a boil.
Step 2: Add the turmeric and ginger.
Step 3: Reduce heat and simmer everything for 10 minutes.
Step 4: Add the lemon or honey to taste and enjoy.
Golden Creamy Turmeric Tea
This is turmeric tea with a little extra something. I especially love to drink this at the end of a long day’s work. It helps me de-stress and wind down after a long day.
Ingredients | Amount |
Coconut or almond milk | 1 cup |
Ground Tumeric (fresh or store bought) | ½ teaspoon |
Finely chopped ginger root | ½ inch |
Cayenne pepper | A pinch |
Honey or maple syrup | 1 teaspoon or to taste |
Step 1: Blend all the ingredients together in a blender.
Step 2: Heat the mixture in a saucepan for 3 to 5 minutes.
Step 3: Drink it while it’s hot.
Turmeric Tea the Coffee Alternative
This one sounded weird to me, too, at first. As an avid coffee drinker, I never thought tea would do it for me until I found this recipe. Turmeric tea in the morning is a great way to wake your body up and get it ready and functioning for the whole day.
Ingredients | Amount |
Water | 2 cups |
Fresh, minced ginger root | 1 inch |
Ground turmeric | 2 teaspoons (or 1 inch of root) |
Ground cinnamon | 1 teaspoon (or 2-3 sticks) |
Lemongrass tea bag | 1 bag |
Peppercorns | 6 |
Sea salt | A pinch |
Sliced oranges | To taste |
Honey | To taste |
Lemon juice | 1 lemon |
Coconut oil | 1 teaspoon |
Step 1: Bring the water to boil in a sauce pan.
Step 2: Add peeled and minced ginger root, turmeric, cinnamon, peppercorns, oranges and sea salt.
Step 3: Simmer for 10-15 minutes on medium-low heat.
Step 4: Add lemongrass tea bag and steep for 3 minutes. Then remove it.
Step 5: Add coconut oil, honey and fresh lemon juice. Enjoy!
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