It had only been a few weeks since Iris rescued an orphaned kitty named Annie from the street. Since her tiny body was rife with ailments, a trip to the vet for a few medications and a bit of time would do the trick. While Annie was responding well to treatment, one night she started to feel feverish. Iris gave her sweet girl a Tylenol to make her feel more comfortable for the evening. However, the next morning Iris woke up to a living nightmare. Annie’s body couldn’t handle the Tylenol and even the vet couldn’t save her. Little orphan Annie didn’t make it. This sad story provoke us thinking: what can you give a cat for pain?

Detect Your Love's Pain
Cats Hide Pain
Going back to their roots, in the wild, cats are forced to use their most basic survival instincts. Since a wounded animal is vulnerable to prey, cats are known to disguise their pain well for their own safety. Additionally, when not purposefully hiding their pain, cats don’t present pain the same way other animals do. They’re very quiet and won’t vocalize their pain by crying or whining.
Signs Your Cat Is in Pain
Knowing what to look for is the first step, before trying to figure out what you can give a cat for pain. Luckily, there are a few behavioral symptoms a keen parent should be able to pick up on.
When being touched in certain areas, hissing, biting, or running off
Becoming withdrawn and oddly quiet
Hiding more than usual
Appetite loss
Hurried breathing and panting
Noticeable heart rate increase
Becoming agitated
Difficulty getting comfortable
Personality changes
Changes in their general movement or gait
Rationally Relieve Their Pain
Pain medications should only be administered to your cat under close supervision from your vet.
Customary Medications
Drugs | Functions |
NSAIDs | First choice for pain in cats, for short term use only (robenacoxib, meloxicam) |
Opioids | For higher pain levels, often administered after surgery (codeine, fentanyl, hydromorphone, morphine) |
Corticosteroids | For pain relief from allergies and arthritis (dexamethasone, prednisone) |
Gabapentin | For muscle, bone, and nerve pain, often used to treat seizures |
Amitriptyline | An antidepressant used for nerve pain |
Tylenol Hazard
Acetaminophen, commonly referred to as Tylenol, is highly dangerous for cats. Cats' liver cannot metabolize Tylenol, so even just one small dose can be fatal.
For different causes of pain, there are alternative therapeutic treatments and care techniques that can make your cat feel more comfortable and improve their quality of life. What you can give a cat for pain include some of the following:
Supplements: Enhancing your cat’s diet with certain supplements can promote healing. These include glucosamine, egg shell membranes, homeopathic rhus tox and arnica, omega-3 fats like krill oil, ubiquinol, turmeric, spirulina, astaxanthin, and proteolytic enzymes.
Chiropractic Care: You can help prevent joint degeneration and relieve pain with veterinary chiropractic care, which is rather affordable.
Massage: Reduce pain from tissue damage and inflammation with a pet massage.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture is an amazing treatment for cats with degenerative joint disease.
Adequan: Giving cats with arthritis Adequan injections helps to stimulate the fluid in its joints.
Domestic Relieving Tips
A healthy diet is important to your cat’s health. Chronic inflammation and pain can be relieved with the right food plan. For instance, a cat who is overweight will likely suffer from arthritis. So giving an overweight cat reduced calorie food will help him lose weight without sacrificing the healthy nutrients he needs to stay strong. Overweight cat who suffer from arthritis are putting unnecessary strain on their joints, worsening the inflammation that’s caused it.
A happy and comfortable home is what your cat needs, especially if they’re in pain. What can you give a cat for pain at home? A soft bed, lots of TLC, and maybe a bandage here and there to lessen pain and swelling.
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