There’s simply no denying that sheer magnitude of benefits that yoga poses have for the humans of the modern world. Apart from making you physically fit, they also work wonders not only on your health but also on your mental peace of mind and emotional balance as well. And this is exactly why millions of people around the world perform various yoga poses on a daily basis to benefit them physically, mentally and emotionally. And among the hundreds of benefits of yoga, there is one that will immediately catch the eye of many – losing weight.

Tips on Using Yoga for Weight Loss
Yes, you read that right! If done correctly, certain yoga postures can easily help you lose weight. But please do understand that they shouldn’t be taken as a "miracle cure" for your obesity. There are certain other things you will have to keep in mind, like:
The very first thing you need to understand is that yoga is not just about performing certain asanas. No. Yoga is pretty much a way of life, so the only way to take it seriously is to incorporate it daily in your life and perform these asanas without fail.
20% of your weight loss is dependent on your physical activities, and 80% of it rests on your diet. A poor diet with a strict workout regimen isn’t going to work wonders for you.
Instead of having 3 large meals, focus on having 5-6 smaller meals. It will also keep your hunger pangs at bay.
The best time to do yoga is early out in the open in the morning, at sunrise.
Don’t forget the 3Ds of weight loss – discipline, determination and dedication.
Make sure you’re eating a calorie deficit diet. For example, if your daily calorie requirement according to your BMR and body weight is 2000 calories, eat a 1500-calorie diet.
Avoid eating immediately before or after yoga. A one-hour gap is ideal.
Do not eliminate carbs and fat from your diet when working on using yoga for weight loss. You should eat everything healthy – but in moderation.
Yoga Poses That Help Weight Loss
Pranayam (breathing exercise)
Breathing exercises are always good for you, because they increase the absorption of oxygen by your body. That, in turn, allows freshly oxygenated blood travel from your lungs right to your heart. And simply put, the more oxygen your heart receives, the better it’s able to function and the healthier it remains. Pranayam also helps you in improving concentration and memory and learn to control your thoughts and emotions.
Naukasana (boat pose)
Breathing exercises are always good for you, because they increase the absorption of oxygen by your body. That, in turn, allows freshly oxygenated blood travel from your lungs right to your heart. And simply put, the more oxygen your heart receives, the better it’s able to function and the healthier it remains. Pranayam also helps you in improving concentration and memory and learn to control your thoughts and emotions.
Surya Namaskaar (sun salutation)
This is another pose to use yoga for weight loss because it easily encompasses 12 different postures that attack the fat cells in different parts of your body. It might be a little difficult to get a grasp of in the beginning, but when done correctly and briskly, not only will it help you reduce your weight but also strengthen muscles and joints, improve the functioning of digestive system, make your body that much more flexible, control your blood sugar levels and even regulate your menstrual cycles.
Salabhasan (locust pose)
The locust pose is considered one of the best yoga poses you can use. Why? That’s because it works on pretty much your entire body – right from your neck to your shoulders, from chest back to your hips and thighs. If there’s one pose that you should never skip from your routine, it is this.
Mayurasan (peacock pose)
If you’re facing back problems, then the peacock pose is what you should be performing every day. It tones and strengthens your spinal muscles and regular use can even rectify any minor back issues that you might be facing. Apart from that, this pose also helps you control diabetes, reduces the cholesterol accumulation in the stomach and helps with constipation.
Hatha asanas
If the Mayurasan is too difficult for you, then the Hatha asana is an excellent substitute. It gives you all the benefits that the Mayurasan gives you, but can easily be done with lesser effort.
Anantasana (side reclining leg lift pose)
This asana not only improves the flexibility of your legs and works on the fat accumulated in your thighs, but also helps prevent issues of hernia. It’s also great for those with back pain. And much like the Surya Namaskar, it works on almost every major muscle group in your body.
Utkatasana (chair pose)
This is yet another great yoga for weight loss asana for those with heavy thighs or those with leg muscle or joint problems. This asana tones and strengthens your leg muscles, hips, glutes, chest as well as your back. It’s normal to feel pain in your legs the first few times you exercise, but that is to be expected. Don’t let this deter you.
Virabhadrasan (yoga warrior pose)
If your upper body is your problem area, then this pose is a boon for you. It works simultaneously on your shoulders, arms, back muscles and abdominal muscles. It also improves your body’s ability to balance itself, along with your stamina.
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